Friday, August 24, 2007

The Best News a Realtor® could get in this market...... Seeing Survey Flags!

Now in the past I know that a few of my friends in the mortgage business get on me because ..according to them ...I tend to rant about my "not so great experiences with lenders." Oh...I bet if you go back and read a few of my other posts you would probably feel the same. But this post isn't about a lender presenting us a commitment on time. I'll save that post for after the closing and then I'll plaster his great name all over the web! You know why? Because I promised to...just as he kept his promise I will keep mine and now I can praise instead of ranting.

This is another "great news" story I will tell you about. When a Realtor® is waiting for a deal to close on time let alone close at all...we tend to get antsy waiting and hoping there won't be any last minute snags. This is about how excited I am because this deal was given to us 2 weeks ago with the promise to close by Monday.
Everything is going great and I happen to go over to the property yesterday just to take care of a couple of small tasks. Well if it wasn't enough...I was so happy with the way things were going that when pulled up to the property I noticed something unusual...there were survey flags! Yes! survey flags.You know...those little orange things that are sticking up from the ground. Not those little flags we see here on Activerain. Usually they do this right before a closing. Most people will wait so the cost is not wasted if there is a problem. Yep...those are my proud photos!
Well the reason I am so excited to tell you this is because in my experience as a Realtor® ,I have been lucky enough that seeing those flags was a good sign that we should close this puppy. Some agents might differ in opinion but I'm so positive on this one that I am ordering my new Lexus SC 430! "Yeah right" I just know this one will be easy.

I thought this was a good sign and hopefully keeps us all in a positive frame of mind during these difficult times.

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